About Market Gardens
Established in the region for over 75 years, Pearce Homes take pride in their commitment to providing homes of quality and style in superb locations and are pleased to introduce an exciting new development in Great Torrington.
Market Gardens is a picturesque courtyard development of 9 high quality homes, sensitively designed to be compatible with its surroundings and the history of the town.
- Ready Now!
- Picturesque Courtyard Development
- Experienced Developer Pearce Homes, with over 75 years of regional presence, takes pride in delivering homes of quality and style.
- Historic and Vibrant Location
- Great Torrington provides a range of amenities, including schools for all ages
Available Homes

Getting to know Torrington, Devon
Great Torrington is a small historic, traditional and friendly market town set in the midst of rolling, unspoilt countryside in the very heart of the Tarka Country.
It has a delightful array of shops - master butchers, bakers, and fruiterers offering quality local produce; boutiques, jewellery, and crafts. The time-honored pannier market, with its glazed atrium, houses a range of artisan shops selling unusual gifts and collectibles.
This quaint little town also boasts cafes, pubs, a hairdresser, post office, and The Plough Arts Centre. The Plough Arts Centre is a theater, cinema, and art gallery. It attracts many famous acts but also hosts productions by thriving local theatre groups.